Monday, November 26, 2012

WoW life or death

World Of Warcraft: Player Versus Player

      World of Warcraft is a multi million player online virtual world of fantasy. In this vast world there are many experiences and new finds. Players can pick a profession which they will use to create items and dominate the auction house, making thousands of gold. Players can also catch wild pets to use in pet battles. The greatest thing a player can do though is fight each other. PvP or player versus player is a huge aspect of WoW.  It involves fighting each other with powerful abilities from each class(character) and obtaining the best armor to keep you alive.  Plus choosing a team of damage, tanks and healers to dominate certain game types such as capture the flag or capture and hold bases. As a player in World of Warcraft I personally prefer PvP over any other aspect of the game. It allows for you to blow off steam or just compare your self to others to see how good you really can be.
 This is the map of a original player versus player battle Warsong Gulch. The Alliance (blue) against the horde (red) face off trying to capture each other’s flags and avoid dying to each other in the middle of the zone. There is much more to PvP than fighting and killing each other, there is the element of strategy. Playing against regular people who just sit there and die can be ok at first but after a while it gets boring. When regular PvP gets boring there is an option to step up your playing and fight against people who are ranked worldwide for their abilities. This can be done by fighting in 2v2, 3v3 and 5v5 arena battles or through rated battlegrounds. The hardest of those 4 options is the 3v3 combat. In arenas certain abilities are not allowed because they are considered to be too strong and unfair for other classes.
Players who accelerate in Arenas and rated battlegrounds are allotted special looking gear which in some cases is even stronger than the regular pieces that can be obtained. I personally believe that Rated battlegrounds are the hardest thing to do in WoW. This is because you have to gather up 10-40 players and be able to lead them to victory without losing control. It is almost like being a boss you have to give every individual a job for which if they don't' fulfill could ruin your team and cause a loss. Being ranked worldwide is a personal achievement yes and it is glorifying but it is not the end of the world if you do not achieve a world rank. Casual or Hardcore PvP is the way to go in World of Warcraft, because it is really the only true challenge in the game. There is nothing like fighting a single or group of people who are either equally as good as or even better than you and knowing you always have room for improvement. Everyone no matter their play style should at least try Player versus Player games for it is truly they best experiences of World of Warcraft.

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